Saturday, July 24, 2010

Amplify 2010

A few thoughts on Amplify 2010:

1.  I was really amazed at how God showed up at Amplify and turned chaos into order.  He does this EVERY time we have a major event at Highlands...EVERY time!!!  I have almost gotten to the point where I don't even doubt at all that an event is going to be successful.  In my beginning days at Highlands I would work an event and I would just KNOW that there was absolutely no way that an event was was going to work or be successful.  There was so much craziness and last minute chaos that you were just sure it was going to fail...BUT THEN GOD ALWAYS SHOWED UP and the events have always been a success.  I think he likes to remind us that He is still in control...LOVE THAT!

2.  I am so proud of EVERYBODY in my small group...every single member of my small group served the youth at Amplify.  Several of the guys and one girl from group stayed the whole week with the kids (now that's commitment) and one of our guys broke his wrist the first night and went straight back to camp as soon as he left the ER....that's some major commitment too.  Another one of the guys got a broken nose during camp and stayed the whole time. 

3.  I have to say that I think I am in one of the greatest small groups ever...I  don't know what life would be like without my small group.  I am very thankful that God has allowed me to be a part of something this awesome.  We have an awesome time together whether we're goofing off, worshiping God together, serving together or sharing our joys or hurts together.  I can't wait till Amplify 2011 so we can all serve together again.

4.  I must admit that in the beginning and almost up until the end, I wasn't sure if camp had made a major impact on the kids involved.  They were having fun and goofing off and there were some signs here and there that they were "getting" it but I felt like overall that maybe it was just a vacation time for them....little did I know that God WAS there in a MAJOR way.  I love when He does that...(see my next point).

5.  The last night at camp was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had.  I had no idea that so many kids were living with such pain and hurt in their lives.  We had a testimony time out in a field with a bonfire and although is started out slow and I didn't think anyone was going to give their testimony at picked up and there were eventually kids standing in line (along with some of the volunteers) waiting to tell their story and how God had changed their lives either this week or in the past.  They just kept coming and coming and coming and I think we could have stayed there all night with them.  There were so many kids and volunteers crying together and loving on and hugging each was truly an amazing experience!  I feel so blessed to have been a part of this event and thank God for allowing me to experience it with my small group!

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